
Grab Your ONLINE Piano Camp Here! But only through August 31!

Hey there!

How’s your summer been going?  Can’t believe it’s already August and before you know we’ll be back in the swing of teaching again.  Yikes!  What happened?

Did you miss your own PIANO RETREAT this summer?  We had a fabulous! Piano Camp for Piano Teachers with the brilliant Marvin Blickenstaff on June 30 in San Antonio, TX.  If you couldn’t make it or haven’t yet enrolled in the ONLINE version, grab it by AUGUST 31. After that it will not be available anymore at the Camp pricing. And guess what? There’s now a summer budget-friendly payment plan as well.  🙂

 Read all about it HERE.  And snag it before enrollment closes on AUGUST 31 at midnight!

It includes these 4 Video Sessions:

  • Warm-Ups? Who, Me? Technical Routines for All Ages Marvin Blickenstaff, presenter
  • Performance Practice Made Easy: Rules of Thumb for the Student Marvin Blickenstaff, presenter
  • A Simple Step-by-Step Start to Major Scales, All Without A Book Elizabeth Gutierrez, presenter
  • The End is in the Beginning: Coaching a Piece to Performance Marvin Blickenstaff, presenter


  • Downloadable handouts
  • LIFETIME ACCESS to the videos, in addition to any content upgrades later.
  • A bonus “dessert” video from Marvin.
  • 30-day money back guarantee from date of purchase if you aren’t satisfied.

View on a desktop computer, laptop, or mobile device.  No special software required for viewing.

What Teachers Are Saying…..

“Thank you Elizabeth, thank you Marvin – watching this conference right now on replay and finding so many teaching tips. A true gold mine of piano pedagogy wisdom. Such well spent money and time. The info is multi-level and plentiful – am going to have to write notes upon notes!”

Sarah Arnold – Brussels, Belgium


“Marvin’s wealth of wisdom and knowledge is remarkable, but I equally enjoyed his humility, kindness and joyful spirit. Thank you Elizabeth for another wonderful Piano Camp for Piano Teachers. I’m especially excited that I will be able to watch the videos over the next year. You’re a huge blessing to the piano community.”

Ginny Godsey – San Antonio, TX


Did you miss last year’s ONLINE Piano Camp for Piano Teachers (now a course called “Sorting Out the Piano Classics:  What to Teach and When”)?  Here’s your chance to enroll in BOTH the 2016 and 2017 ONLINE Camps at a very nice investment price of only $247 (w/ lifetime access).  Even better…. it too is available on a payment plan, but hurry!  This VIP BUNDLE of piano teacher education will also go away on August 31, 2017!

Click HERE to view the BUNDLE contents.

This package also includes 3 yearly Group Coaching Webinars where I answer your pressing questions about teaching classical repertoire.

See You On The Inside!


REGISTER NOW for the 2017 Piano Camp for Piano Teachers with Marvin Blickenstaff – Attend LIVE or ONLINE!

So excited to announce our guest clinician for this year’s Piano Camp for Piano Teachers, the highly sought-after and beloved Marvin Blickenstaff!  For years Marvin has been providing teachers worldwide with insightfully creative, thoughtful teaching techniques that just work and he’s the one they flock to for workshops, lectures, and master classes.

Now you can see Marvin in-person at the 2017 Piano Camp for Piano Teachers in the lovely San Antonio, TX or at your leisure via your computer or mobile device!

JOIN US on Friday, June  30, 2017 at RBC Pepper South Texas in San Antonio (formerly RBC Music Company) if you would like to see Marvin in action, ask him questions, and share a lovely lunch with him. OR…..Join him via your computer or mobile device beginning on/around July 10 and watch the videotaped lectures from that day.  All participants, both LIVE and online, will have access to the recorded version of the workshop (4 sessions) thru December 31, 2017.

Click HERE to view all the details plus the workshop topics. You may register for either the LIVE workshop on June 30 or the online version.

******IN-PERSON participants:  Seats are still available as of June 25.  If the registration link is open, you may still register.  All of you will have a chance for Q&A with Marvin, you’ll receive lunch on site, plus door prizes and the videos as well!


Look forward to seeing you in person on June 30 or ONLINE!


SAVE the DATE! Friday, June 30 – San Antonio, TX

Blog Title - Save the DateI couldn’t be more thrilled to announce our fabulous clinician for the 2017 Piano Camp for Piano Teachers this summer.  Marvin Blickenstaff will be the featured clinician for our day-long piano teacher retreat on Friday, June 30 in San Antonio, TX!

I know that several Texas teachers were disappointed to miss his November appearance at the TMTA Fall Enrichment Conference so now you have another chance!  If you’ve never seen Marvin in action, then you are in for a real treat.   He is truly a teacher’s teacher and he never disappoints.

I’m in the process of selecting 4 diverse topics for the day and will announce all the details soon.  Due to limited space in the Recital Room at RBC Music Company and Marvin’s popularity, seats will go fast so I highly recommend that you pre-register as soon as I send the email to the mailing list (hopefully in just a few days).

Not on the email list? or uncertain if you are?  Join right HERE so you’ll be notified asap.

Live too far away from San Antonio but would love to see Marvin?  The camp will be video recorded and made available for online viewing!  Be sure to join the LIST to take advantage of early-bird online camp registration.


 MARK your CALENDARS everyone and start making plans to visit the River City!


JAN-FEB 2017 READ-ALONG: Josef Lhevinne’s “Basic Principles in Pianoforte Playing”

fb-read-alongHello Blog Readers!

Wow!  It’s been a while since I’ve written a blog post, but things sure have been busy on the live streaming end of things.  You could say that most of my “blogging” now has been in-person and LIVE.  There’s much more emotion and tone you just can’t put into writing.  I’ve truly enjoyed connecting with you in this way.

A new year is great time for goal-setting, new inspiration and a “re-start.”  What better way than with a project to get your wheels spinning in new directions for 2017.  Instead of our usual Play-Along, the gang over at the FB Play-Along group has voted on a Read-Along, the first ever in the blogisphere I think.  If you’re reading this after Jan. 10, 2017, no worries!  Jump in at any time during our schedule since the book is not sequential and you can always catch up later by watching the previous replays.  I’ll post the replays here on the blog about every 2 weeks.

FROM JANUARY 10  thru FEBRUARY 14 (approximately), we’ll all be reading “Basic Principles of Pianoforte Playing” by Josef Lhevinne.  Click HERE for all the info you need to get started.  There’s no official sign-up, but purchase a copy of the book soon if you don’t have one.

Basic Principles in Pianoforte PlayingYou can grab a copy HERE on Amazon if you like.  If your book arrives after we begin, no worries. You can still watch the 1st LIVE broadcast on Chapter 1 on Tuesday, January 10 (or the replay) and catch up on the chapter afterwards.

WATCH THIS video introduction of the Read-Along for all the specifics.


Click HERE to read all the info you need to get started.

Read More


FREE PREVIEW of ONLINE “Piano Camp for Piano Teachers”!

So THRILLED to announce that the ONLINE version of the June 24 Piano Camp for Piano Teachers (Houston, TX) is now available for those who could not make it to the LIVE event.

UPDATE!!! – the online version of the 2016 Piano Camp for Piano Teachers is now an online course entitled:  “Sorting Out the Piano Classics”  Read all about it HERE.  Grab it at the introductory price BEFORE OCT. 1, 2016!

Here’s what’s included: 

  • Five intensive sessions (7+ hours of video) outlining a logical teaching order of standard piano literature, Baroque to Contemporary, from the late elementary to early advanced levels.
  • Demonstration of example repertoire.
  • Useful teaching tips and techniques you can take right to the studio.
  • Handouts to inform you what to teach at each level.
  • PDF guides to help you match method books and repertoire collections to each level of study.

You will have LIFETIME ACCESS to this course and all content upgrades added in the future. View on a desktop computer, laptop, or mobile device.  No special software required for viewing.

A glimpse of the curriculum below.  Click HERE to see the contents and watch a FREE PREVIEW! (see the module entitled “Presentation of Intermediate Pieces by Era – Romantic/Modern”)

Course Curriculum Screen ShotSee you on the inside!

What teachers are saying:

“I have watched about half of the videos and printed the handouts and can tell everyone that a LOT of work has gone into this Camp. If you are getting your repertoire lists ready for the fall and wanting a good sampling of classical pieces, this is the place to go. It is complete with an extensive list divided by levels and Elizabeth plays a sampling of most of them. The handouts include musical examples also.”

Lizbeth Atkinson – Columbus, OH

“I have enjoyed and benefited from the videos so much. I enter my students in our state program each year. Our state has 12 levels similar to Jane Magrath but 12!!! It has really been hard for me since my college back in the 70’s did not have a good pedagogy class. Thanks for your consideration!”

Betty Lawson – Tucson, AZ



2016 Piano Camp for Piano Teachers will be ONLINE soon!

Adobe Spark(7)

We had a blast at our 2016 Piano Camp for Piano Teachers in Houston this past Friday!   For those of you who missed it, videos of the entire “in person” workshop will be available ONLINE for you to view at your leisure beginning July 15 right HERE.    You won’t need to download any videos or possess any special software.  You’ll simply log into the website and view/replay the sessions whenever you like on your desktop computer, laptop, or mobile device.


2016PCPTWEBbrochurebackOnce you’ve purchased the video course, you will have lifetime access to the videos, pdf handouts, and any content upgrades I add later!  I’m so pleased to be able to bring this “virtual” camp to interested teachers for the very first time.  Many of you have told me how you wish you could have traveled to TX. No need for that!

BIG thanks! to all the teachers who attended the LIVE event.  It was wonderful to see some returning teachers and some new faces as well.  Should you have any questions about the topics we talked about, please don’t hesitate to email me at  I know it was a long day filled with a multitude of recommended teaching pieces, tips for teaching, historical info, etc.

A HUGE thanks to the Fort Bend Music Center and owner, Rick Cochran, for providing us with such a quiet and spacious facility.  It was perfect!

And a BIG shout-out to our business donors who donated such generous door prizes for teachers in attendance:

Alfred Music Publishing
Carl Fischer
Faber Piano Adventures
Jennifer Foxx’ Music Educator Resources
Keys to Imagination
Piano Pronto
Susan Paradis’ Piano Teaching Resources
Theory Time
Willis Music Co.

Mark your calendars for our next “in-person” camp in late June 2017 in San Antonio, Texas.  In the meantime be sure to take advantage of the Early Bird Registration for the ONLINE 2016 Camp.

Pre-register before July 15 (the launch date) and you’ll receive my PDF Guide:

“A Quick Guide to the Most Popular Piano Classics Students Love to Play”

A handy outline of a balanced selection of standard repertoire most favored by students, presented by era, level, and in progressive order of difficulty.

Look forward to seeing you there! 


Donald Waxman’s “Piano Pageants, Book 1A” Piano Play-Along: Post Four (Pages 24-35)

3Enjoyed chatting with you this week about Pages 24-35 via Periscope and Facebook Live.  Hurry and add your comment on each of the 3 sections of the book HERE so you’ll be entered in the FINAL GIVEAWAY on Tuesday, May 10.  *Comments are due by 8AM Central on May 10. I will announce the 3 winners that day at 10AM Central during the LIVE broadcast.  You don’t have to be present to win.

I hope you’ve enjoyed watching the blog posts in action via LIVE video.  Sure makes it easier than writing everything I want to say!

PDF Download IconThe PDF study guide for the video below is HERE. If you don’t have the book or PDF in front of you right now, it’s OK.  I play through each piece on the video and you can follow along easily. Read More


Donald Waxman’s “Piano Pageants, Book 1A” Piano Play-Along: Post Three (Pages 12-23)

2Here’s the Live Broadcast for this week’s discussion of Pages 12-23.  Thanks to all of you viewing the Replay here or on the Facebook pageThe PDF study guide for the video below is HERE. If you don’t have the book or PDF in front of you, it’s OK.  On this video I play through each piece so you can follow along easily. Scroll to 4:30 to get right to the content.

The pieces in this set became more substantial and less rudimentary, but that’s to be expected with a primer of progressive pieces. What were your favorites from this selection?  Please comment below in the REPLY section and add other observations, too.  Each comment earns you a ticket for the FINAL GIVEAWAY – 3 nice prizes mailed directly to you!  One comment per blog post is the max. Read More


Donald Waxman’s “Piano Pageants, Book 1A” Piano Play-Along: Post Two (Pages 1 -11)

2Was thrilled! to chat with all of you yesterday on the LIVE broadcast.  Thanks for joining in and to all of you REPLAY viewers as well.  Below is the REPLAY for any who missed it.   The PDF study guide for the video below is HERE (covers pages 1-11).  I really enjoyed hearing your thoughts and receiving feedback yesterday.  Be sure to add your thoughts and comments about Pages 1 -11 below to share with other teachers .  There’s never enough time for posting on the broadcast. Definitely share your one-sentence description of the book (how you’d describe it to a teacher) and tell me what you thought of these initial primer-level pieces.  What did you love?  What did you learn?

PDF Download IconHere’s the PDF download with the discussion points for Pages 12-23.  Just make quick notes in the margin of your book. Remember to tune in to the LIVE broadcast at 10AM Central next Tuesday, April 26.

Don’t have the book yet?  See below. Not too late to get started.  You’ll probably receive the book in the mail before next Tuesday.

Please try, try to join the Periscope broadcast if you can, because it allows me to interact with you a bit more, but if you prefer Facebook LIVE that’s OK, too.   Invite friends to come join us so they’ll learn all about a Piano Play-Along.  If they’re not on Facebook, tell them to try Periscope on their mobile phone/tablet.  Info just below.

TO BUY the BOOK at a 20% discount, go HERE.


TO VIEW on FACEBOOK:  Go to  LIKE the page and sign up for Notifications (either “default” or “see first”)

TO VIEW on PERISCOPE:  The Periscope app is FREE for your mobile device.  Read about how to download it HERE.

piano_periscope_icon_mThe little buttons at the top left of this post will allow you to SHARE with your friends. See you on TUESDAY at 10AM CENTRAL!


Donald Waxman’s “Piano Pageants, Book 1A” Piano Play-Along: Post One (Discussion Starter)

2So excited about the April Play-Along!  We just kicked it off today with both a Periscope and Facebook Live broadcast.  A first for me! Great to see all of you who were able to join in.   If you missed it, you can view the REPLAY BELOW.   You’ll learn what to prepare for our First Discussion next TUES, April 19, at 10AM Central on Periscope and Facebook Live.  I look forward to hearing your thoughts LIVE!  And tell your teacher friends – it’s not too late to join.

PDF Download IconHere’s the PDF download with the discussion points for Tuesday’s broadcast.  Just make notes in the margin of your book. Simple thoughts are OK.  The pdf will guide you.  And if you don’t have the book yet, please join us anyway.  You’ll be able to get the gist of it even without the book for now.

Please try, try to join the Periscope broadcast if you can, because it allows me to interact with you a bit more, but if you prefer Facebook LIVE that’s OK, too.   Just be sure to comment and let me know that you’re there! 🙂

TO BUY the BOOK at a 20% discount, go HERE.


TO VIEW on FACEBOOK:  Go to  LIKE the page and sign up for Notifications (either “default” or “see first”)

TO VIEW on PERISCOPE:  The Periscope app is FREE for your mobile device.  Read about how to download it HERE.

piano_periscope_icon_mThe little buttons at the top left of this post will allow you to SHARE with your friends. See you on TUESDAY at 10AM CENTRAL!



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