Donald Waxman’s “Piano Pageants, Book 1A” Piano Play-Along: Post Two (Pages 1 -11)
Was thrilled! to chat with all of you yesterday on the LIVE broadcast. Thanks for joining in and to all of you REPLAY viewers as well. Below is the REPLAY for any who missed it. The PDF study guide for the video below is HERE (covers pages 1-11). I really enjoyed hearing your thoughts and receiving feedback yesterday. Be sure to add your thoughts and comments about Pages 1 -11 below to share with other teachers . There’s never enough time for posting on the broadcast. Definitely share your one-sentence description of the book (how you’d describe it to a teacher) and tell me what you thought of these initial primer-level pieces. What did you love? What did you learn?
Here’s the PDF download with the discussion points for Pages 12-23. Just make quick notes in the margin of your book. Remember to tune in to the LIVE broadcast at 10AM Central next Tuesday, April 26.
Don’t have the book yet? See below. Not too late to get started. You’ll probably receive the book in the mail before next Tuesday.
Please try, try to join the Periscope broadcast if you can, because it allows me to interact with you a bit more, but if you prefer Facebook LIVE that’s OK, too. Invite friends to come join us so they’ll learn all about a Piano Play-Along. If they’re not on Facebook, tell them to try Periscope on their mobile phone/tablet. Info just below.
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An ideal companion book for the primer level students with original compositions that departs from V-I tonal language. Love the artwork and how grand staff is seen on the very first piece (even though only RH is playing).
Love your summary statement, Karen! Very succinct! Excellent point about the grand staff appearing from the very beginning. I think it underscores staff-keyboard orientation and range for the young student.
Thank you for bringing this book to my attention, Elizabeth! I had not used it before, so your guidance through the songs is very helpful. I really appreciate your Periscopes every week as well. You help to keep my teaching fresh! 🙂
Chris (musicalmama)
Thanks,Chris! So glad you are enjoying this book and the scopes. 🙂
The New Pageants for Piano Book 1A is a creative supplement to help stretch the imagination of the beginning student by allowing the ear to hear a variety of sounds that they may not otherwise experience in traditional method books. The artwork lets the mind wander and imagine what the piece might be about. Musical concepts are introduced at a pace that is unintimidating and approachable. A real treat for teachers and students of all ages.
I often use this book for Sightreading. Students are not familiar with the music, the hands do not play together and there are no eighth notes p. 2-12. This a good formula for successful sightreading for a level one student.
I find the book interesting and as u said good to add in with other songs to give an idea of different sounds. I find some students are not all that musical or dont have musical parents encouraging listening at home, and they find changes difficult to incorporate at a young age. But whether they like the song or not doesnt matter when you explain you r expanding their knowledge of what is out there, and go back to a piece they prefer.
Like at school having to read books and poetry in English.
Thank you for doing this book. It sure expanded my knowledge!
I am intrigued by the idea of using this book with an older student. The look of the book and pictures make it accessible to more than just the younger students.