Indispensables of Piano Teaching #3 – Online Music Teacher Directory Service
Every music teacher’s studio needs some type of web presence these days. An online music teacher directory is a key tool if you want to maintain a steady flow of interested prospects headed in your direction. And of course if you’re new to an area, this is definitely an indispensable! Plain and simple — people interested in musical education need a way to find you and online directories work for you 24/7.
Even if you never have a need to recruit students for your studio, this is important. Why? As an educator I believe we all should be in the business of referring students to qualified teachers whom we know and trust. Parents and hobbyist adults have such a hard time sifting through the WIDE mass of “piano teachers” out there. I find they are especially grateful when I refer them to professional colleagues with credentials.
FREE Services:
1. Your Local MTA
First, be sure to place your name on your local music teachers association website. Most of the associations in the U.S. have a dedicated “Find a Teacher” page of some sort. And if yours doesn’t, ask your board to start one! It’s one of the first places parents go to search for a private music teacher and web searches often lead them there first. I find also that many retail music stores refer folks to local association websites.
2. Your Local Sheet Music Retailer
Be sure to check your local sheet music retailer. Those with websites may have a “Find a Local Teacher” web page. If not, many may keep a handy Rolodex of music teachers names/contact info at their check-out counter and are especially glad to recommend professional teachers to the public.
3. Music Publisher’s Teacher Locator Service
Check your favorite music publisher’s website. Parents and teachers who are keen about a particular teaching method will often refer to the publisher website for assistance in locating a teacher who teaches from their favorite method.
EXAMPLE: Faber Piano Adventures Teacher Locator (Worldwide)
Under “Students” in their menu bar, they have a clickable link to the left called: Click Here for the Teacher Locator.
CLICK HERE if you’d like to select your state and register your studio. Whenever you need to update your listing, just email them.
4. Manufacturer’s Teacher Locator Service
Did you know that Steinway and Sons offers teachers worldwide a FREE listing on their website which includes your own dedicated website address? And no, you don’t have to own a Steinway to register. I stumbled upon this service last summer while on a workshop tour. The directory is easily seen on their home page HERE. They clearly state that it isn’t an endorsement and they encourage prospective students to research any teacher listed. I searched for teachers in my area (San Antonio) and found only 3 teachers listed! So I entered my information which you can view here at my own Steinway URL:
My listing was up and working in 48 hours!
BIG NEWS! I have received more inquiries from the Steinway directory than any other directory this year! Be sure to check it out and research any other instrumental companies that might offer directories.
There are plenty of paid directory services available which you can locate with a web search. If you know of other FREE dependable directory services, be sure to LEAVE A COMMENT on this post and inform all of us!
FINAL TIP! Be sure to reach out to your local colleagues and inform them if you are looking for students. They are your best references!
REMINDER……Feb. 15 is the last day to use your discount code for Indispensable #1 – Highlighter Tape. View HERE.