Donald Waxman’s “Piano Pageants, Book 1A” Piano Play-Along: Post One (Discussion Starter)
So excited about the April Play-Along! We just kicked it off today with both a Periscope and Facebook Live broadcast. A first for me! Great to see all of you who were able to join in. If you missed it, you can view the REPLAY BELOW. You’ll learn what to prepare for our First Discussion next TUES, April 19, at 10AM Central on Periscope and Facebook Live. I look forward to hearing your thoughts LIVE! And tell your teacher friends – it’s not too late to join.
Here’s the PDF download with the discussion points for Tuesday’s broadcast. Just make notes in the margin of your book. Simple thoughts are OK. The pdf will guide you. And if you don’t have the book yet, please join us anyway. You’ll be able to get the gist of it even without the book for now.
Please try, try to join the Periscope broadcast if you can, because it allows me to interact with you a bit more, but if you prefer Facebook LIVE that’s OK, too. Just be sure to comment and let me know that you’re there! 🙂
TO BUY the BOOK at a 20% discount, go HERE.
TO VIEW on FACEBOOK: Go to LIKE the page and sign up for Notifications (either “default” or “see first”)
TO VIEW on PERISCOPE: The Periscope app is FREE for your mobile device. Read about how to download it HERE.
The little buttons at the top left of this post will allow you to SHARE with your friends. See you on TUESDAY at 10AM CENTRAL!

I appreciate and value the spotlights you give on each piece.