Piano Play-Along
Previous Play-Alongs may be viewed by clicking HERE. As you guide yourself through them, be sure to add comments along the way. I’ll see them and will be able to respond to you!
The JANUARY 2018 PIANO PLAY-ALONG was a READ-ALONG! Here’s what we read. Read at your own leisure and then click on a REPLAY link below for the chapter discussions. CLICK HERE to be notified of future READ-ALONGS or PLAY-ALONGS!

Are you ready to read-along with us? Similar to “read-alongs” and “sew-alongs” on other blogs, this read-along is a community event bringing like-minded musicians together on the internet. Are you in?
The “A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future” by Dan Pink charts the rise of right-brain thinking in modern economies and describes the six abilities individuals and organizations must master in an outsourced, automated age. “A Whole New Mind” was on the New York Times bestseller lists for 96 weeks over four years. It has been a Freshman Read at several U.S. colleges and universities. In 2008, Oprah Winfrey gave away 4,500 copies of the book to Stanford University’s graduating class when she was the school’s commencement speaker.
Pink explains that the future belongs to a different kind of person with a different kind of mind: artists, inventors, storytellers-creative and holistic “right-brain” thinkers whose abilities mark the fault line between who gets ahead and who doesn’t. He explains in detail the six fundamentally human abilities that are absolute essentials for professional success and personal fulfillment–and reveals how to master them. A Whole New Mind takes readers to a daring new place, and a provocative and necessary new way of thinking about a future that’s already here.
The Plan: We’ll all read 2 chapters per week and share our discoveries and findings with each other on Tuesdays, at 10AM Central, beginning on Jan. 9, 2018. Broadcasts may be viewed on Facebook LIVE or via webinar HERE. We highly encourage you to sign up for the webinar version so you’ll be able to see the typed comments of the participants and view any shared screens by the discussion leader. It’s a “one-click” no-fuss webinar entry. No downloading of software necessary. You’ll also get the webinar replay links automatically emailed to your inbox in case you miss an episode. NOTE: If you’re reading this after Jan. 9, 2018 no worries! Grab a copy of the book anytime and catch up by viewing the past broadcasts which I will post here for a short time.
Need Alerts/Reminders?: Join the Read-Along private Facebook group here to get reminders of upcoming broadcasts and the current schedule in Facebook. Be sure to click “SEE FIRST.” OR… we can shoot you an email reminder. Click HERE to sign up for email reminders.
- Grab a copy of the book: Purchase a copy HERE if you don’t have one. Begin reading Part One: The Conceptual Age (3 short chapters) which we will discuss on Jan. 9.
- Join us for an Intro Session on Jan. 2 (no reading required for this): We’ll get things started and you’ll meet our discussion leader, James Syler. Jim is a composer and lecturer at the University of Texas at San Antonio. He has been composing for more than 40 years and in addition to teaching music composition, he has taught music appreciation courses such as Music Appreciation, American Roots Music, and the History of Jazz to non-music majors at the university level for more than 20 years. Jim has introduced the principles of A Whole New Mind dozens of times in his university classes to reveal to students the importance of arts education and how arts-based thinking will set them on the path to success in a competitive, global economy.
THE SCHEDULE with REPLAYS listed here as they become available: (subject to possible changes)
TUESDAY, Jan. 2 : Begin reading Part One. At 10AM Central, I’ll host a LIVE broadcast via Periscope/FB Live with a short intro/discussion starter to get everyone going. We’ll chat about the Preface and Pink’s mission. If you miss any broadcast, the replays will always be on the Facebook page here: facebook.com/pianoteachercamp. REPLAY HERE
TUESDAY, Jan. 9: Discussion of PART ONE: Chapters 1, 2, and 3. Begin reading Chapter 4 & 5 – Design/Story. The video of the discussion will be posted here: facebook.com/pianoteachercamp. REPLAY HERE
TUESDAY, Jan 16: Discussion of Discussion of Chapter 4 & 5 – Design/Story. Begin reading Chapters 6 & 7: Symphony/Empathy. The video of the discussion will be posted here: facebook.com/pianoteachercamp. REPLAY HERE
TUESDAY, Jan 23: Discussion of Chapters 6 & 7: Symphony/Empathy. Begin reading Chapters 8 & 9: Play/Meaning. The video of the discussion will be posted here: facebook.com/pianoteachercamp. REPLAY HERE
TUESDAY, Jan. 30: Discussion of Chapters 8 & 9: Play/Meaning and FINAL WRAP UP. The video of the discussion will be posted here: facebook.com/pianoteachercamp.
**** Get REPLAY links of each discussion delivered right to your Inbox by subscribing HERE.
There’s really no official sign-up at all. Just grab a book and catch us on a LIVE broadcast as outlined above (preferably via webinar). We welcome your questions and comments in the COMMENTS section below or on the Facebook LIVE page.
SHARE and PIN this page and let’s have fun reading and learning together!