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JOIN US on Friday, June 27, 2014 at RBC Music Company in San Antonio, TX! Download a print version of the brochure HERE. Payment by credit card or Paypal is available by contacting Click Lodging above for hotel options.
Look forward to seeing you there! Stay tuned for our blog camp activities beginning on June 1 — easy to do, just subscribe to the blog to your right!
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I was wondering if anyone is coming to the camp in San Antonio from the DFW area(Arlington-Mansfield area.
Hi Ruth: Thanks for your interest and so sorry the blog was down when you entered your inquiry. The next Piano Camp for Piano Teachers is scheduled for Friday, June 26, 2015 at Valentine’s House of Music in Houston, TX. Stay tuned to the blog this summer for other educational activities for piano teachers. To be placed on our mailing list, click on this link: