2016 Piano Camp for Piano Teachers will be ONLINE soon!
We had a blast at our 2016 Piano Camp for Piano Teachers in Houston this past Friday! For those of you who missed it, videos of the entire “in person” workshop will be available ONLINE for you to view at your leisure beginning July 15 right HERE. You won’t need to download any videos or possess any special software. You’ll simply log into the website and view/replay the sessions whenever you like on your desktop computer, laptop, or mobile device.
Once you’ve purchased the video course, you will have lifetime access to the videos, pdf handouts, and any content upgrades I add later! I’m so pleased to be able to bring this “virtual” camp to interested teachers for the very first time. Many of you have told me how you wish you could have traveled to TX. No need for that!
BIG thanks! to all the teachers who attended the LIVE event. It was wonderful to see some returning teachers and some new faces as well. Should you have any questions about the topics we talked about, please don’t hesitate to email me at elizabeth@pianoteachercamp.com. I know it was a long day filled with a multitude of recommended teaching pieces, tips for teaching, historical info, etc.
A HUGE thanks to the Fort Bend Music Center and owner, Rick Cochran, for providing us with such a quiet and spacious facility. It was perfect!
And a BIG shout-out to our business donors who donated such generous door prizes for teachers in attendance:
Alfred Music Publishing
Carl Fischer
Faber Piano Adventures
Jennifer Foxx’ Music Educator Resources
Keys to Imagination
Piano Pronto
Susan Paradis’ Piano Teaching Resources
Theory Time
Willis Music Co.
Mark your calendars for our next “in-person” camp in late June 2017 in San Antonio, Texas. In the meantime be sure to take advantage of the Early Bird Registration for the ONLINE 2016 Camp.
Pre-register before July 15 (the launch date) and you’ll receive my PDF Guide:
“A Quick Guide to the Most Popular Piano Classics Students Love to Play”
A handy outline of a balanced selection of standard repertoire most favored by students, presented by era, level, and in progressive order of difficulty.
Look forward to seeing you there!

Hi Elizabeth,
I watched your piano tips on periscope last spring and I’d like to go back and access a particular episode (on different dynamics for left and right hand). I’ve looked for an archive but can’t find one. Is there a way to access old periscope posts?
Hi Tina:
Thanks for your inquiry. Are you referring to the Periscope I did on BALANCE between the hands or the one I did referencing the use of different colored pencils for marking different dynamics in the score? I archived the old Periscope broadcasts and the one on BALANCE keeps crashing – ugh! I may have to do this one again in Sept. How does that sound?
Hi Tina:
I know it’s been a while, but I just wanted to let you know that my old Periscope broadcasts are now available here: http://bit.ly/earlybirdww – in a new online archive entitled “Webinar Workshops.” You can access nearly all of the them, including the one about “balance” of the hands. I’m hosting a new webinar series beginning TUES, Sept. 17, at 10AM Central (registration is free for the LIVE event and the 48-hour replay if you can’t attend on a Tues). If enrolled in the archive (Webinar Workshops) you get anytime access and never have to worry about signing up or showing up live. Enjoy!