REGISTER NOW for the 2017 Piano Camp for Piano Teachers with Marvin Blickenstaff – Attend LIVE or ONLINE!
So excited to announce our guest clinician for this year’s Piano Camp for Piano Teachers, the highly sought-after and beloved Marvin Blickenstaff! For years Marvin has been providing teachers worldwide with insightfully creative, thoughtful teaching techniques that just work and he’s the one they flock to for workshops, lectures, and master classes.
Now you can see Marvin in-person at the 2017 Piano Camp for Piano Teachers in the lovely San Antonio, TX or at your leisure via your computer or mobile device!
JOIN US on Friday, June 30, 2017 at RBC Pepper South Texas in San Antonio (formerly RBC Music Company) if you would like to see Marvin in action, ask him questions, and share a lovely lunch with him. OR…..Join him via your computer or mobile device beginning on/around July 10 and watch the videotaped lectures from that day. All participants, both LIVE and online, will have access to the recorded version of the workshop (4 sessions) thru December 31, 2017.
Click HERE to view all the details plus the workshop topics. You may register for either the LIVE workshop on June 30 or the online version.
******IN-PERSON participants: Seats are still available as of June 25. If the registration link is open, you may still register. All of you will have a chance for Q&A with Marvin, you’ll receive lunch on site, plus door prizes and the videos as well!
Look forward to seeing you in person on June 30 or ONLINE!