Indispensables of Piano Teaching #4 – Interlocking Plastic Keyboard
I didn’t really think I’d have a need for these in my private piano studio since I have 2 pianos in the studio, several flat laminated keyboards, a floor keyboard, and even a fabric keyboard, but this plastic dimensional keyboard has really come in handy.
This interlocking keyboard features full-sized white and raised black keys. Each two-octave keyboard can be interlocked to make a longer keyboard.
Here’s a close-up of how two interlock:
I occasionally take this little keyboard with me to piano teacher workshops especially when I know there won’t be a projected view of the piano keyboard on an overhead screen. I just hold this up in the air for all in the audience to see as I demo a maneuver with my opposite hand. Of course it goes without saying that these are great for any sort of group teaching you might do when there’s just not enough keyboards to go around. They are light and sturdy, and they store easily too.
Here’s a few photos of how I’ve used them:
BEST PRICE: $9.95 at Valentine’s House of Music in Houston, TX. Amazon or other online retailers in my Google search couldn’t beat Rick Valentine’s price. I don’t see it listed on Valentine’s website at this writing, but you can call (713) 868-7447 to order. He says he has plenty available. Rick is incredibly helpful and knowledgeable about educational piano music and keeps his shipping affordable for piano teachers (free shipping on all orders over $50). Certainly try your local sheet music retailer first. They may be able to order them for you.
If you’ve used these keyboards in your teaching, please comment and share your ideas!

Apparently Valentine’s are out of business. The same keyboard on Amazon is $18.00 plus shipping. Do you know of another source or who the manufacturer is?
UPDATE: Roger ~ I just talked to Rick Valentine. As a retailer you can obtain these interlocking keyboards from Harris Teller at
7400 S Mason Ave, Chicago, IL 60638.
UPDATE: Roger ~ I just talked to Rick Valentine. As a retailer you can obtain these interlocking keyboards from Harris Teller at
7400 S Mason Ave, Chicago, IL 60638.
That’s great if you’re a retailer!! Do you know of another source that would sell to private music studios like mine? Also, I just talked to “Steve” in Chicago at Harris Teller and he said they DO NOT have individual plastic keyboards and didn’t know where to find them.
Hi Barb:
Since another person just asked about these keyboards, I did some research again and just found them at JWPepper right here: They’re also on Amazon now as well. Finally, some sources for these!
Where could your normal, every day person buy one of these besides amazon? I’m currently in a music theory class and we used something like this in class and I found it super helpful
Hi Rachel:
I just located them at the JWPepper website right here: It’s about a dollar more. Glad to see that there’s at least 2 sources for these. They’re great to have on hand for teaching away from a piano.
Help! I love these and am having trouble tracking them down! I e used these for travel as have my students and with great success. Surely someone still carries them?
Hi Terah:
I know! I’m having trouble locating these nifty plastic keyboards. Did a quick search and the JWPepper site is showing them for sale — You might try calling them first to see if they are really available. ALSO — E-Z Notes is listed as their supplier but I’m not finding the keyboards on the e-z notes website. You can speak to Lucy Chu, owner, directly by emailing her at *** Hope this helps and let me know if you come across them!